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Data is one of the greatest resources for organizations, which is why its management, administration, and proper visualization for decision-making are vital in its management. In this sense, using tools like Power BI is of great benefit.

Let’s remember that Power BI is a data visualization and business analysis tool developed by Microsoft, which is widely used in the corporate world and among data analysts, due to its ability to transform raw data into meaningful information.

Here we present ten of its main benefits

  1. Integration with other Microsoft platforms: Power BI seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft solutions, such as Excel, Azure, and SQL Server.This facilitates data collection and analysis, especially for companies already using the Microsoft ecosystem.
  1. Ease of use:With an intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality, Power BI allows users to create reports and dashboards easily, without requiring advanced programming skills.
  1. Real-time access:Dashboards and reports in Power BI can be updated in real-time, allowing businesses to make decisions based on the most recent information available.
  1. Customization:Power BI offers a wide variety of customizable charts and visualizations that adapt to the specific needs of each user or company.
  1. Predictive analysis:With the integration of Azure Machine Learning, Power BI can go beyond descriptive analysis, offering predictions based on data trends and patterns.
  1. Collaboration capabilities:With Power BI Service (the online version), teams can collaborate on dashboards and reports, share insights, and comment in real-time.
  1. Mobile access:Power BI offers mobile applications for iOS and Android, allowing users to access their reports and dashboards from anywhere and at any time.
  1. Data security:With features like Row-Level Security (RLS), Power BI ensures that data is protected and that only authorized individuals can access specific information.
  1. Connectivity flexibility:Power BI can connect to a wide variety of data sources, from traditional databases to cloud services and social platforms, making data collection and consolidation easier.
  1. Active community and learning resources:Microsoft has fostered an active community around Power BI. Users can access a wide variety of resources, from discussion forums to tutorials and courses, to maximize the use of the tool.

Its ease of use, integration, customization, and advanced capabilities make it an indispensable tool for any analyst or professional seeking valuable insights from their data for intelligent decision-making.

We have already implemented it for clients such as Avianca, Renting Colombia, Blocky, and more. Contact us.

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